Category: A2Z Challenge 2020

Z is for the Zebra – The striped marvel
Z is for the Zebra – The striped marvel Every time I go to the shop,to buy myself a shirt for an interview,the question that is uppermost in my mind is,should I buy a plain shirt or a striped one? And at such times, I get reminded,of you the striped one from the animal kingdom.You […]

Y is for the Yak – The domesticable giant
Y is for the Yak – The domesticable giant You are a huge furry animal,found in the Himalayan ranges.You are dark black or brown.Sometimes you are even creamy in colour. You have strong, powerful horns,that can gore enemies to death.This horn of yours curves outward,among the male members of your lot. You have a distinctive […]

X is for the X-Ray fish – A marvel among fishes
X is for the X-Ray fish – A marvel among fishes I have heard of the shark.I have heard of the whale.I have heard of the coveted goldfish.But oh X-Ray fish you are new to me. They say that many people keep you as pets.You have a translucent body,that makes parts of your insides,visible to […]

W is for the Wolf – A dangerous canine
W is for the Wolf – A dangerous canine When I was a young lad of ten,I used to read the phantom comics.In those comics, it was mentioned that phantom’s pet, Devil ,was a mix of a dog and wolf. I was always in awe of you.You are a member of the canine family,mostly found […]

V is for the Vampire Bat – Of count Dracula fame
V is for the Vampire Bat – Of count Dracula fame You became famous as well as infamous,in Bram Stoker’s movie Dracula.In the movie the count of Transylvania,is actually a vampire bat himself. The movie was a million-dollar extravaganza,and according to the movie,you actually subsist on,the blood of human beings. In reality, you rarely attack […]

U is for the Umbrellabird – With a crest on its head
U is for the Umbrellabird – With a crest on its head We humans use umbrellas,to protect ourselves from rain.But you have a crest on top of your head,because of which you are called the Umbrellabird. Not only do you have a crest,but you also have a wattle hanging from your neck,which helps you to […]

T is for the Tiger – The majestic and ferocious beast
T is for the Tiger – The majestic and ferocious beast You are the lord of the jungle.When you are a young cub,many people cuddle you, but once you grow up,no one dares to come near you. The other animals of the jungle,tremble when they hear you footfall.The sound of your approach,sends birds fluttering from […]

S is for the Shark – The terror from the sea
S is for the Shark – The terror from the Sea I still remember watching,the famous movie Jaws,featured on one among you,called the great white shark. After the movie was watched by people,for many days and months,men and women refused to venture out into the sea,in beach resorts all around the world. The savagery with […]

R is for the Rattlesnake – One of the most venomous of snakes
R is for the Rattlesnake – One of the most venomous of Snakes Your venom is so powerful,that when your prey is injected with it,it is digested even before,you swallow it fully. You are a native of the Americas,found largely in North America,and parts of Canada,where you are a source of terror. The rattle located […]

Q is for the Quetzel – A Green coloured beauty
Q is for the Quetzel – A Green coloured beauty You are a rare bird,found deep inside the forests.You are beautifully coloured,with Green feathers. You are one of the prettiest,of our winged friends.You are not a very large bird,just thirteen centimetres long. You are solitary by nature.You feed on fruits, berries and insects.You […]