Reminiscences Of My First Love

Reminiscences Of My First Love It was a sunny Monday afternoon, and I was visiting a science exhibition presented by the students of some of the premiere colleges in India. I was feeling bored. Though I worked in the IT field, and I was exposed to cutting-edge technology every day, the exhibition, unfortunately, did not […]


A Wish On A Star

A Wish On a Star They say time is the greatest of all healers. But I am a living example of the fact that this statement is not true. It was six months since my wife Reena died. In the past six months, I had done everything possible to get on with life. At first, […]


The Survivors – #WRITEPHOTO

The Survivors – #WRITEPHOTO Captain Hetmeyer Rockefeller glanced through the viewfinder of his spaceship ‘The Voyager XV” at the distant planet he could see to his left. He was among the last of human beings from the planet earth who were fortunate to be alive. The planet earth had gone on a self destructive mode since the middle of […]


The Future Of Planet Earth – #WRITEPHOTO

The Future Of Planet Earth – #MyFriendAlexa #WRITEPHOTO Johnson Crusoe looked at the dark patches of clouds in the sky. The golden rays of the planet’s Sun spread their fingers around the clouds making the sky shine with a fiery orange hue. Johnson had arrived on this planet three days back. He had set off […]


An Ultimatum Towards Gender Equality

An Ultimatum Towards Gender Equality Eckhart Tomlinson the owner of the multi-billion-dollar Tomlinson Broadcasting Service looked at the globe resting on his table in puzzlement. He always prided himself that his agency was the first to get the news from any corner of the world. He kept track of everything that was going on in […]


A Blind Date With The World – #TheBlindList #SayYesToTheWorld

A Blind Date With The World – #TheBlindList #SayYesToTheWorld I heaved a sigh of exasperation as soon as my boss Ravi put the phone down at the other end. I had been informed that I was expected at the office the next day. This was the third time in a row I would be working […]


Choose Wisely What Would You Like To Do?

Choose Wisely, What Would You Like To Do? Commander Wilhelm Maritz looked apprehensively at the huge ball of fire staring at him from the computer screen. His submarine was 500 feet below sea-level and this object seemed to be at a depth of 2000 feet. He was intrigued. The object looked exactly like the setting sun seen in the deserts […]


Captain Jackson Haddock And Professor Candyfloss Calculus

Captain Jackson Haddock And Professor Candyfloss Calculus The year was 2030 AD. Captain Jackson Haddock was sailing in the Mediterranean Sea in his ship ‘Sirius’ with his crew of 20 men, DinDin and Professor Candyfloss Calculus. Captain Haddock had had a tired day and wanted to retire early to his cabin. He walked over to […]


Five Minutes of Fame

Five Minutes of Fame ‘Can I appear on television just once?’ I asked Mom. ‘No dear, you are too young for the camera,’ said Mom. I made a face and said, ‘Well, I don’t see why I can’t. Aren’t they interested in children at all?’ Mom sighed and said, ‘We allow only experienced people to […]


Romeo Remembers

Romeo Remembers The year was 2046 AD. Nobel Laureate Professor Harrington Rutherford sat in his lab staring at the prototype of the humanoid he had created. He had modeled the humanoid on the male homo-sapiens. It had all the characteristics of a human male including the capacity to mate. He had named the humanoid Romeo. The last few days, the […]