I Meet Lord Ganesh

I Meet Lord Ganesh I tiptoed down the stairs and opened the front door of my house. Mom and Dad were sleeping in their bedroom upstairs, and I did not want to disturb them. Granny was sleeping in the bedroom right next to mine and she was a light sleeper. I did not want to […]


My Meeting With Enid Blyton

My Meeting With Enid Blyton Here I am sitting with my laptop in front of me on a Thursday evening, racking my brains for an answer to the question: who was my favourite author? You see, I am 56 years old, and I have been reading books ever since I was in my 5th grade. […]


The Wait And Other Stories – Damodar Mauzo – Book Review

The Wait and Other Stories – By Damodar Mauzo – Book Review Title: The Wait and Other Stories Author: Damodar Mauzo Publisher: Penguin Random House India Price: Rs. 499 Link For Purchase: The Wait And Other Stories My Take: Damodar Mauzo’s book of short stories is a delectable potpourri of tales that evoke an array […]


The Utopian Globe – #BlogchatterBlogHop

The Utopian Globe – #BlogchatterBlogHop The globe in front of me,Is endowed with colourful designs,Representing continents and countries,Rivers, oceans, and mountains. It has a colour for everything,We find in this bountiful planet of ours,Which sustains life so reverentially,Life, not to be found elsewhere in the macrocosm. In this globe of mine,There are several demarcating lines.Each […]