My Love Affair With Smart Devices – #GetFitWithFlipkart #SmartHomeRevolution

My Love Affair With Smart Devices – #GetFitWithFlipkarevolution   I was first introduced to a Smart Wearable device four years back. This happened on that fateful day when my family doctor warned me, ‘Mr. Jayakumar, your HBA1C reading is 9.1 and your weight is 106 Kilograms. You are a severe diabetic. Your cholesterol levels are very high. […]


An Unspoiled Girl – Onward #writephoto

An Unspoiled Girl – Onward #writephoto Mary was talking nineteen to the dozen. John passed her a side-long glance as she paused for breath. She had been talking ever since they had begun driving along the mountain road. Mary was at the wheel.   ‘Oh, darling.’ Mary said. ‘I really cannot wait to start a […]


WOW: The Splashing Sound

WOW: The Splashing Noise I woke up at midnight as usual when I heard the sound. It was the sound of splashing water. It seemed to be coming from the swimming pool as if someone was having a midnight swim. I had been hearing it every night for the past week. Every night the sound […]


WOW: The Last Time He Saw Her

WOW: The Last Time He Saw Her Several times John had wanted to go back and look at his Joanne. But he could not gather the courage. He had realised that he would have to wait for another twenty years before he could see her again. He had etched the image of her face in his […]


Gurmeet Singh: A godsend for the abandoned – #WATWB

Gurmeet Singh: A godsend for the abandoned – #WATWB   I watched the Hindi movie ‘Laawaris’ when I was a young lad of ten or twelve in grade school. Being too young to discern facts from fiction, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie in which the dashing and macho Amitabh Bachchan plays the hero and the […]