Electronic Gadgets And The Human Psyche Last night I dreamt. In my dream, I was once again a 12-year-old…
The Woman Who Went The Extra Mile To Teach Children – #WATWB This month I have chosen the subject of…
Why I Am A Hardened Feminist People have often accused me of being an unreasonable feminist. Who knows, maybe they…
My Battle With The Smoking Habit I am re-blogging a very old post of mine which I wrote more than…
Played For A Sucker It was a bright, cold day in April. Sophie and I made our way along the…
I Feed An Old Man – Friday Fictioneers Fortunately, I could locate this shop and purchase the Louise-Vuitton shoes in…
The Cobbler’s Love – FFfAW Challenge – 187th I crept past several boats and trawlers anchored in the shallow waters…
The Sweet Smell Of Freedom – Sunday Photo Fiction John was tired of his job as a sweeper. The…
The Eye Of The Predator – #writephoto I made my way rapidly across the hay scattered everywhere. I was searching…
I, Me, Myself Hi everyone, My friend Sue Vincent gave me the opportunity to speak about myself in her…