Category: Flash Fiction

The Billionaire’s Hobby
The Billionaire’s Hobby Billionaire Allan Worthington’s hobby was Taxidermy. He was also an expert shot with a rifle. His speciality was birds. He could shoot down birds like no one could. His aim never failed him. He had travelled far and wide in search of birds of all hues. He would fleece the birds he […]

The Archaeologist
The Archaeologist The year was 2045 AD. Professor Jerome Jenkins the famous archaeologist was travelling to meet his team at the excavation site in Iraq. He and his team had discovered the site by a sheer stroke of luck the year before. The Iraqi government had permitted them to dig up the site with great […]

The Symbol Of Peace – #FRIDAYFICTIONEERS Photo Prompt © Dale Rogerson Billionaire Richardson had built the small pagoda like structure on his private island on the banks of the beautiful lake. He had meant it to be a peaceful resting place for visitors. The structure had only one floor. But Richardson was not satisfied. He […]

The After-Breakfast Conversation – #SUNDAYPHOTOFICTION
The After-Breakfast Conversation – #SUNDAYPHOTOFICTION Photo Courtesy of Bobby & Devin I enjoyed the conversation I had with Johnny and Micky everyday after breakfast. They would always be waiting for me as soon as I happened to pass their doorstep. Of course initially it took a lot of time to make friends with them. They […]

The Portrait – #FRIDAYFICTIONEERS Photo Prompt © Mikhael Sublett I heard about the tremors that had shaken the area on my way back. I was not worried because I was an old man with nobody to call my own. I had few belongings I could lose. I lived in a room on the ground floor. I […]

The Practical Exam – #SUNDAYPHOTOFICTION Photo Credit: Paul Howell (Mystery Writer Betty Webb’s Husband) I woke up with a smile on my lips and walked to the lawn. The fishing nets used were fluttering in the wind. They were tied from end to end. I walked under the nets whistling a tune. I had every […]

Getting Even – #FRIDAYFICTIONEERS Photo Credits: Fatima Fakier Deria Johnny fingered the gun in his pocket as the bus moved. Ricky, driving the bus was to stage a breakdown in five minutes. The two of them planned to rob the passengers. In five minutes the bus stopped. Johnny pulled his gun and yelled ‘Stick em […]

The Tunnel Under The Cell
The Tunnel Under The Cell Photo Credit © J. Hardy Carroll Johnny grinned as he was shoved roughly into the lockup. The cops had not found anything on him despite searching him thoroughly. They would have to release him within twenty-four hours. Johnny was sure they would not search him again. Johnny walked over to […]

The Abandoned Idol – #sundayphotofiction
The Abandoned Idol – #SundayPhotoFiction Photo Credit: MicheleBlanche Johnny felt frightened standing in the middle of all the rejected wax idols. These were the idols that had been abandoned midway to completion because of defects. In the light of his torch, the idols looked so real that Johnny almost expected them to speak to him. […]

The Tree – Sunday Photo Fiction
The Tree – Sunday Photo Fiction Image Credit: Katie S. The boy was feeling bored. He watched the golden rays of the setting sun spread across the sky. The glorious phenomenon did nothing to bring an answering echo to his heart. He had the whole evening stretching in front of him. He had been feeling […]