Should Means Justify The Ends?

Should Means Justify Ends? There are probably very few people who would not have heard of the phrase: “beg, borrow or steal”. It simply means that when a person is in a desperate situation adopting any means to solve a problem is fine. In this article I will try and answer the question: should means justify […]


How To Deal With Disappointments And Frustrations?

How To Deal With Disappointments And Frustrations? We often come across sorrowful headlines in the newspapers of the kind “girl commits suicide over marital discord!!!”, “boy of seventeen kills himself, heart broken over failure in board exams”, “Couple commit suicide as parents don’t agree to their union” and so on. The list is endless. Be […]


A Woman’s Choice: Stay At Home Or Work

A Woman’s Choice: Stay At Home Or Work We all know that there are pluses and minuses in all aspects of life. There are some positives and negatives in the lives of career women too. Being a feminist I staunchly feel that just like men, a woman should also have the freedom to decide whether […]


Nature Or Nurture

Nature Or Nurture To what extent do man’s natural skills contribute to success in life? To what extent do external factors like his upbringing, the social norms that he imbibes from society, hard work, the opportunities that come his way in life contribute to making a human being successful? These are not easy questions to […]