Month: December 2019

The New Innings – #WRITEPHOTO
The New Innings – #WRITEPHOTO We saw the small child everyday when my wife and I went for our morning walk. The child had long hair and always wore the same patched flowing robe. She looked like a fairy from heaven in that robe. We were both very fond of the child. She was like […]

The Jewellery Collector
The Jewellery Collector James and Anne had been smitten by the doll like face of the child the very first day they had seen her in the adoption center. The child had not shown any inhibition at all in accepting them as her prospective parents. She had run up to them and simply hugged them […]

The Symbol Of Peace – #FRIDAYFICTIONEERS Photo Prompt © Dale Rogerson Billionaire Richardson had built the small pagoda like structure on his private island on the banks of the beautiful lake. He had meant it to be a peaceful resting place for visitors. The structure had only one floor. But Richardson was not satisfied. He […]

The Angel Speaks – #WRITEPHOTO
The Angel Speaks – #WRITEPHOTO I tossed and turned in the bed unable to sleep. Tomorrow would be my wife Debbie’s first death anniversary. I was a carpenter by profession. I still remember the day I had carried Debbie as a fresh bride thirty years back into the wooden shack I had built with my […]

The After-Breakfast Conversation – #SUNDAYPHOTOFICTION
The After-Breakfast Conversation – #SUNDAYPHOTOFICTION Photo Courtesy of Bobby & Devin I enjoyed the conversation I had with Johnny and Micky everyday after breakfast. They would always be waiting for me as soon as I happened to pass their doorstep. Of course initially it took a lot of time to make friends with them. They […]

The Portrait – #FRIDAYFICTIONEERS Photo Prompt © Mikhael Sublett I heard about the tremors that had shaken the area on my way back. I was not worried because I was an old man with nobody to call my own. I had few belongings I could lose. I lived in a room on the ground floor. I […]

The Extinction Of A Species – #WRITEPHOTO
The Extinction Of A Species – #WRITEPHOTO The leader turned around and looked at his group with concern. Most members of the group looked tired and dehydrated If only he could lead them to cooler surroundings quickly. But the heat had increased manifold in the last six months. Most members of the population had died. […]

The Practical Exam – #SUNDAYPHOTOFICTION Photo Credit: Paul Howell (Mystery Writer Betty Webb’s Husband) I woke up with a smile on my lips and walked to the lawn. The fishing nets used were fluttering in the wind. They were tied from end to end. I walked under the nets whistling a tune. I had every […]

Getting Even – #FRIDAYFICTIONEERS Photo Credits: Fatima Fakier Deria Johnny fingered the gun in his pocket as the bus moved. Ricky, driving the bus was to stage a breakdown in five minutes. The two of them planned to rob the passengers. In five minutes the bus stopped. Johnny pulled his gun and yelled ‘Stick em […]

The Survivors – #WRITEPHOTO
The Survivors – #WRITEPHOTO Captain Hetmeyer Rockefeller glanced through the viewfinder of his spaceship ‘The Voyager XV” at the distant planet he could see to his left. He was among the last of human beings from the planet earth who were fortunate to be alive. The planet earth had gone on a self destructive mode since the middle of […]