Month: July 2024

My Gift
My Gift I surveyed the house I had purchased at the auction a week back. It was a tiny villa that had cost me a nominal amount. I had purchased it as a gift for my daughter. My daughter wore several hats, one being that she was a very good violinist. I never tired of […]

The Paint Book
The Paint Book Standing on the sandy shores,I watched the three shades of waters,Coming together from all three sides,And converging into a merry dance of shimmering waves, At a distance on the horizon,The Sun rose from the depths of this confluence,It looked very much like a painting,Out of a child’s paint book. But in all […]

A Dream Time
A Dream Time She would enter,My lonely abode,Dressed like a fairy princess,With her golden curls flowing in the wind,We would meet and curl up together,For a brief period of bliss.Oh, she was lovely and simple,Her elegance unmatched,Her beauty abundant,Radiant like the lovely face of the Moon.But time leaves no one untouched,Her golden curls too greyed […]

Vigil Aunties – Richa S Mukherjee – Book Review
Vigil Aunties – Richa S Mukherjee – Book Review Title: Vigil Aunties Author: Richa S Mukherjee Genre: Thriller/Fiction Publisher: Black Ink No of Pages: 354 Link for Purchase: Vigil Aunties Price: Rs 399 Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Philadelphia aka Philly Waghmare’s carefully curated life revolves around the SAT. The most exciting thing that happens in the crumbling […]

The Gift
The Gift The old woman stood in tatters, Alone in the world, Lonely at heart, Begging for tidbits from the passersby, Her near and dear ones had left her, To the ravages of destiny. Her tiny malnourished body, Ached for a loaf of bread. Or why not a sausage? She asked herself. But she knew, […]

The Archaeologist
The Archaeologist The year was 2045 AD. Professor Jerome Jenkins the famous archaeologist was travelling to meet his team at the excavation site in Iraq. He and his team had discovered the site by a sheer stroke of luck the year before. The Iraqi government had permitted them to dig up the site with great […]

Life From The Point Of View Of A Ghost
Life From The Point Of View Of A Ghost She moved stealthily, stepping ever so delicately, Through the eerie halls, Through the ancient, dilapidated castle. She enjoyed the blasphemous music, Sung by the pelting rain and noisy sleet. The horrendous winds rattling the window panes, Sounding like the cackling of a demonic child. Windows lit […]