Bullying In Schools

Bullying In Schools In western countries like the UK and USA bullying in schools is taken very seriously and systems are in place to see to it that this menace is addressed properly. This is not the case in India where this problem is not addressed very actively even though it is much more rampant […]


Love Marriage Or Arranged Marriage: The Choice is Yours

Love Marriage Or Arranged Marriage: The Choice is Yours Is an arranged marriage the correct option or is it love that should be the determining factor in the choice of a soul-mate? This debate has been raging for ages in the context of the Indian society. But at no time before has this question assumed […]


Parallels Between Western Science And Eastern Mysticism

Parallels Between Western Science And Eastern Mysticism The mechanistic view of the universe that separates matter into individual objects is fundamental to the modern scientific method. This view splits the world around us into separate chunks. It gives rise to the notion of separate objects that we observe in nature: like a rock, a tree, […]


The Human Bird

Let The Human Bird Fly Oh little bird, tell me your secret, where did you learn to build your nest, who taught you to find a mate, lay eggs and raise your young ones. You do not have any expectations, from your young and pretty ones. You cherish and nourish them all day, so that […]