The Human Bird

Jai’s Jottings  > Poems >  The Human Bird

Let The Human Bird Fly

Oh little bird, tell me your secret,
where did you learn to build your nest,
who taught you to find a mate,
lay eggs and raise your young ones.

You do not have any expectations,

from your young and pretty ones.
You cherish and nourish them all day,
so that they can leave your nest and fly away.

You hunt early in the morning for food
to put into the mouths of your brood.
You make your nest strong and safe,
so that your young ones can stay safe.

Oh little bird, you do not want anything
you give everything and take nothing,
you make your young ones independent,
Oh little bird, you are truly great.

Oh human, one day your young ones,
will also fly away from your nest,
to chase their dreams and destiny,
maybe to far off lands full of promise and beauty.

Oh human, take a leaf out of the bird’s book,
let your young ones fly far away, 
breaking the shackles of bondage,
to your love and affection.

Oh human, do not let sorrow overcome you,
when your young ones take leave of you,
let them go where they want to go,
where they can find their true greatness.

the human bird also needs to fly,
and let the spirit of freedom soar high,
and discover the joys of being oneself,
and find the true spirit of the inner self.
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