A Dream Time

Jai’s Jottings  > Poems >  A Dream Time

A Dream Time

She would enter,
My lonely abode,
Dressed like a fairy princess,
With her golden curls flowing in the wind,
We would meet and curl up together,
For a brief period of bliss.
Oh, she was lovely and simple,
Her elegance unmatched,
Her beauty abundant,
Radiant like the lovely face of the Moon.
But time leaves no one untouched,
Her golden curls too greyed slowly,
Her face lined up with wrinkles,
Dark shadows under her eyes,
Told their own story of remorseless aging.
Tonight she hugged me tightly and said,
‘My darling, I have to leave you now.
The time to part has come,
I am leaving for my final abode,
You have to plod on alone till your time comes.’
Suddenly I woke up,
From my eventful slumber,
And walk up to the portrait of my soulmate,
Who had passed on two score years ago,
And bid her a tearful farewell.

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