Tag: #poem

My Morning Walk – A New Beginning
I wake up in the morning,With a dreamy vision,Of beautiful Jasmine flowers,And Begonias and Roses. I remember the yesteryears,Of the time when I was a youth of sixteen,Living in a quaint dreamy colony of Delhi,Woken by friends, who would yell for me. For a run in the large park,Adjacent to our posh colony.We […]

The Paint Book
The Paint Book Standing on the sandy shores,I watched the three shades of waters,Coming together from all three sides,And converging into a merry dance of shimmering waves, At a distance on the horizon,The Sun rose from the depths of this confluence,It looked very much like a painting,Out of a child’s paint book. But in all […]

A Dream Time
A Dream Time She would enter,My lonely abode,Dressed like a fairy princess,With her golden curls flowing in the wind,We would meet and curl up together,For a brief period of bliss.Oh, she was lovely and simple,Her elegance unmatched,Her beauty abundant,Radiant like the lovely face of the Moon.But time leaves no one untouched,Her golden curls too greyed […]

An Ode To An Aspiring Pilot
An Ode To An Aspiring Pilot The stormy winds shake the aircraft hard,As we fly high up in the sky.I don’t feel any terror nor am I scared,For I know I am safe as I soar high. People around me stare at each other,As they perspire in severe trepidation.Fearful of the heavy drops of water […]

On My Daughter’s Sixteenth Birthday
On My Daughter’s Sixteenth Birthday I meant to publish this poem on the occasion of my daughter’s sixteenth birthday which fell eleven days back on 15th January. I was so busy with other things that I could not post it earlier. So daughter dear, do please forgive me. Here is the poem for you. Dated: […]

The Utopian Globe – #BlogchatterBlogHop
The Utopian Globe – #BlogchatterBlogHop The globe in front of me,Is endowed with colourful designs,Representing continents and countries,Rivers, oceans, and mountains. It has a colour for everything,We find in this bountiful planet of ours,Which sustains life so reverentially,Life, not to be found elsewhere in the macrocosm. In this globe of mine,There are several demarcating lines.Each […]

The Ragpicker
The Ragpicker She stared at her face,In the tiny mirror.Gone was the youth,And the beauty of yesteryears. Her face was withered,Her hair was a riotous mess.She was clothed in rags,And scavenged for food. She still reminisced,About the glory days of yore,When heads had turned,As she strode across the roads. She had posed like a picture,For […]