My Morning Jog

It is a bright and brisk morn,The sun shining on the horizon, glowing afresh,Delightfully warm on my skin,As I jogged steadily along the sandy shore.   Not so warm for some, in body or spirit,As I was to find out soon.My eyes fell on a tiny, bedraggled creature,Who came running up to me.   She […]


Soaring Dreams

Soaring Dreams One day my little one will cruise in the blue sky,Piloting people through altitudes low and high,Helping them reach destinations all over the globe,Flying them to Hongkong, Greece and Rome.   Some day draped in bridal finery, demure and shy,She will leave us, her parents, bidding goodbye.We will watch her with sad hearts, […]


Life and Death

Life and Death I stand at the mouth of a cave,I know not what lies inside,I see both darkness and light,When I peep into this cavernous hole.I do not want to enter this menacing void,But I know I have no choice,For I have to find out what lies in there,For my sake and for my […]


So Long As I Persevere…

So Long As I Persevere… I rested, exhausted and panting,On a narrow path of wet sand,I have traversed this sandy stretch,For hours on end.To my right, a vertical rock face,Akin to the devil.To my left, the roiling deep sea,Churning out frothing waves.I know not how much further I have to go,To reach my destination,I know […]


A Tiny Dot In The Sky

A Tiny Dot In The Sky I am a poet, Who dreams of words that sing. I draw a picture with my words, Of my soul’s innermost desire. This morn I woke up, With a song in my heart, I went up to the balcony, And looked up at the sky. I could see a […]


The Paint Book

The Paint Book Standing on the sandy shores,I watched the three shades of waters,Coming together from all three sides,And converging into a merry dance of shimmering waves, At a distance on the horizon,The Sun rose from the depths of this confluence,It looked very much like a painting,Out of a child’s paint book. But in all […]


A Dream Time

A Dream Time She would enter,My lonely abode,Dressed like a fairy princess,With her golden curls flowing in the wind,We would meet and curl up together,For a brief period of bliss.Oh, she was lovely and simple,Her elegance unmatched,Her beauty abundant,Radiant like the lovely face of the Moon.But time leaves no one untouched,Her golden curls too greyed […]


The Gift

The Gift The old woman stood in tatters, Alone in the world, Lonely at heart, Begging for tidbits from the passersby, Her near and dear ones had left her, To the ravages of destiny. Her tiny malnourished body, Ached for a loaf of bread. Or why not a sausage? She asked herself. But she knew, […]


Life From The Point Of View Of A Ghost

Life From The Point Of View Of A Ghost She moved stealthily, stepping ever so delicately, Through the eerie halls, Through the ancient, dilapidated castle. She enjoyed the blasphemous music, Sung by the pelting rain and noisy sleet. The horrendous winds rattling the window panes, Sounding like the cackling of a demonic child. Windows lit […]


My Tiny Tot Begins To Fly

My Tiny Tot Begins To Fly My tiny tot with twinkling eyes,Has grown into a bubbly teen.She is getting ready to rule the skies,And soar like a bird with wings. While taking walks in the days of yore,She would dance ahead of me.Now she is away from her dad more,Than she ever used to be. […]