June 14, 2024
My tiny tot with twinkling eyes,
Has grown into a bubbly teen.
She is getting ready to rule the skies,
And soar like a bird with wings.
While taking walks in the days of yore,
She would dance ahead of me.
Now she is away from her dad more,
Than she ever used to be.
In another couple of years to come,
My bubbly teen would get ready.
To fly her plane away from home,
Holding the yoke steady.
But I am sure she will not forget,
Her dear mom and dad.
Whom she loves with all her heart,
For which I am ever so so glad.
My tiny tot who is now so tall,
has begun her journey in life.
An adventure full of fun and thrill,
She will go far ahead in life.
Loved the beautiful words of a doting father!
Thank you so much Sundar.