Love By Moonlight

Jai’s Jottings  > Poems >  Love By Moonlight

Love by Moonlight

I turn around in my bed,
and reach out for you, my darling,
forgetting that you have left for your heavenly abode,
leaving me all alone in this world.

I look at the luminous clock by my bedside.
And find it is half an hour past midnight.
If you had been alive and by my side,
we would have entwined our bodies together.

I look up at the ceiling,
I am able to make out the blades of the fan.
And unable to withstand my grief any longer,
I get up from the bed.

I walk up to the toolroom,
and pull out a chord,
I come back with it to the bedroom,
and place a stool just below the fan.

I stand on the stool,
and loop the chord,
around a blade of the fan,
and make a noose.

I put my head through the noose,
determined to end it all.
But suddenly the window door crashes open,
and Moonlight streams in.

I pull my head out of the noose,
and step down from the stool.
I walk over to the window.
I am awestruck by the beauty of the full Moon.

It takes me back to the night,
when I carried you into this same room,
decked in a glorious wedding gown,
fresh as a daisy from a beautiful flower garden.

I remember the two of us,
standing by this very same window,
watching the full Moon,
and relishing its shining beauty.

Tonight, when you are not with me,
it is not the Moon and its glory I see.
Instead, I see your lovely face etched on the Moon,
smiling at me from the sky with love.

I suddenly realize that,
even though you are not with me in the flesh,
you are still very much with me in spirit,
as vibrant as ever.

I stand there for a long time,
looking up at the sky,
filling my heart with the love,
I see in your face etched on the Moon.

Finally, after I had filled my heart and soul to the brim,
with the essence of the love on your beautiful face,
I walk back, flop down into my bed and close my eyes,
and slip into dreamland where I am with you.

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa

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80 thoughts on “Love By Moonlight”

    1. Hey Mayuri,
      LOL, in fact, I started my blog with a poem on my daughter. That was how my blog came about. I made up a poem on my daughter who was ten years old three years back and recited it on the founding day function of my office. I put the poem in my blog and that was how my blog was born. That poem on my daughter was my first post and the domain was also different. It was called
      Warm Regards,

  1. Now that’s such a heart touching and emotional poetry. The perfect feeling one experiences in dream where they are complete

  2. I felt I was writing those words Jai. I lost my husband and I used to feel the same. But then we cannot follow them. The memories are there to be cherished and the kids to be nurtured. Beautiful jotting!

    1. Oh, I am really sorry to hear about that Harjeet. In my case this poem and the situation described in it are imaginary. My wife is safe and sound. I am really sorry you lost your husband. But then as you say you have to live on for your children.

  3. That’s a beautiful piece of poetry. Glad moonlight saved a soul with its beauty and memories were crafted for life. It’s not easy to lose someone but agree it’s the way we stay strong and hold the person in our mind and memories for life.

  4. These lines contains so much emotions. This is a very touching poem. I hope moon is always there shining bright. But that is not always the case. It is very hard to lose someone. Thank you for sharing these beautiful lines.

    1. Thank you so much. Glad you liked the poem. Just wanted to point out I have not really lost anyone thankfully. ๐Ÿ™‚ The situation described in this poem is entirely a figment of my imagination.

  5. I like the deep message underlying this beautiful poem. We are so engrossed in missing our loved ones that we often ignore their aura around us in the air. They feel so fresh if we observe. Alas, everyone has to live his full term on this earth until he is called by the almighty.

    1. Thank you so much Geethica. Glad you liked the poem. I don’t know if you are one of those people who have commented believing I have really lost someone. But just wanted to clarify my better half is safe and sound :). This poem is entirely a figment of my imagination.

    1. Thank you so much. Glad you liked the poem. Just a small correction. My name is Jai and not Jaideep ๐Ÿ™‚ and my better half is safe and sound and this poem is entirely a figment of my imagination.

    1. Thank you so much. Glad you liked the poem. But just want to point out my better half is safe and sound ๐Ÿ™‚ and this poem is just something from my imagination.

  6. Your emotional poem touched a chord with me. I am relieved that he didn’t end his life. It would have been tragic and remorseful. The soothing moonlight portrays optimism and I like that it has streamed in your poetry as well.

    1. Thanks, Dipali. I wanted the poem to be encouraging and strike a chord with people who think everything has come to an end. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you, Sinjana. Yes, you are correct. It is the memories that come in handy when we feel lost in life. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. The poem evokes so many emotions all at once. The longing for a loved one, the loneliness and the pain around it, the grief that compels one to take one’s life & then the magical optimism that brings us all back into our reality again in those weak moments. Beautifully penned.

    1. Thank you so much Chinmayee. This poem was written to reflect certain deep feelings which love evokes. Thanks for reading and the comment.

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