An Ode to My Departed Love

Jai’s Jottings  > Poems >  An Ode to My Departed Love

An Ode To My Departed Love

The chords I played on my guitar,
were like handcuffs of love made of sweet-smelling Jasmine,
with which we chained our wrists together,
and bound our heart and soul to become one.

We have known each other,
for more than a score of years.
We have grown up together,
with you always cheering me on in my musical journey.

You have always encouraged me,
assuring me that your boundless love,
will always be on my side,
thrusting me to greater and newer heights.

Today I stand at the pinnacle of glory,
known to the world at large,
as the champion of musical love,
but oh, my dearest, you are no longer by my side.

Fate has shattered the musical handcuffs,
with which we bound ourselves,
and has left me a lonely soul,
a man with the world at his feet, but a broken heart.

Today I sit by your tombstone in the cemetery,
and in your fond memory,
I strum the chords of a dirge on my guitar,
wishing it could bring you back to me.

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa campaign.

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50 thoughts on “An Ode to My Departed Love”

  1. When true emotions flow straight from the heart to your pen, the word touches the right chords of the reader’s heart. Loved reading this 🙂

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