I Go Picking Seashells

I Go Picking Seashells

I look at the deep blue sea,
stretching endlessly before me,
as I sit on the sands, alone, very alone,
pondering over the vicissitudes of life.

It has just been a day,
since I had buried my soul mate,
of forty-five odd years,
and grief was choking every pore of my body.

It would be so easy to walk into the sea
and do away with myself and my grief.
It would be easy to drown for I had never learned how to swim,
I rose; my mind made up to take the plunge.

At that moment, I catch sight of two young souls
with rags covering their malnourished bodies.
They were giggling and laughing
and delightedly picking up shells from the sands.

I stop for a minute as I move towards the sea,
and instead, walk over to the two little cherubs.
I catch their eye and ask them what it is,
that is making them so happy.

The younger of the two pulls out a small bag,
and opens it carefully and lets me peep inside,
I see a multitude of multi-coloured shells,
in a variety of glorious rainbow hues.

I look at the two children in sudden wonder.
A thought pierces my heart like a vicious arrow.
In rags and with no food in their bellies,
these children can still find joy in picking seashells.

And here I am a grown-up,
unable to withstand my grief,
planning to walk into the glorious sea
and add to its countless drowned souls.

I look at the children and ask,
“Can I join you in picking seashells?”
They look at me doubtfully and then the younger one says,
“Yes, if you promise to give us the shells you pick.”

Ah! a hard bargain, that is for me,
but I say with a smile, “Okay, fine,”
and I go seashell hunting with my newfound friends,
instead of taking a plunge into the deep blue sea.

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

100 thoughts on “I Go Picking Seashells”

    1. Thank you so much, Mayuri. I am entering the MyFriendAlexa campaign this time with a bit of a writer’s block. Thanks for the praise. It is really helpful.

  1. Awww so saddening was the first part
    While the latter was totally awesome!
    This activity indeed brings joy
    As we pick up shells and happily hum!

    I liked the hard bargain though! So cute!

  2. Ah the sea always makes me forget things and forces me to stay in the now. Loved this curve of despair turning to hope via the medium of sea and shells.

    1. Loved your comment. Quite poetic. The curve of despair turning to hope. Nice phrase. Glad you enjoyed the poem Suchita.

  3. I’m so glad I came across your blog through the Alexa campaign.
    Loved the poignant but hope-filled poem. Picking seashells, picking up the broken pieces of one’s life; two urchins in rags teaches a life lesson albeit unintentionally.

    1. Happy I got to know you through this campaign too, Radhika. I think I have already visited your blog. I will continue doing so.

  4. That’s beautiful! Shells always fascinate me. Absolutely, I would be the happiest finding a conch shaped one, a long one like am ice-cream cone. I think I do have some still, hidden away. Finding joy in small pleasures of life. That’s it. So simple. Why don’t people get it?

  5. Yes grief is most difficult emotion to handle, and when reason is loosing your soul mate than it becomes hardest. Love the way you had expressed this emotion beautifully in this poem. looking forward for next.

  6. So profound, poignant and joyous!

    We tend not to look beyond our own grieves – even the smallest of things give the biggest of the reasons to smile!

  7. Beautiful. What a turn of a hopeless heart. Sometimes we get moved by the things that we always found not so important. It is our outlook that at times give us a different sight and thus hope.

  8. Ahh.. I had a smile while reading the last part of it.. Just implies one’s grief is always huge in their own eye.

    1. Listen Kinshoo, this is just a poem. It is not a real event in my life. It is a figment of my imagination. My soulmate is safe and sound and in very good health. 🙂

  9. What a lovely poem! Written with so much grace, wisdom and in-depth. The first part saddened me and the second part just excited me. Sometimes we adults seem to drown in our own sorrow, unaware of the lining of hope that lies ahead just of us. Children teach us so many things like finding little joys to brighten up our lives and move ahead!

  10. Uncle, to be honest, I am not sure about the poem as I ain’t proficient in that but the thoughts were very deep and beautifully expressed. There are moments in all our lives that there seem to be nothing to live for but all we need to do is pick ourselves like you picked the seashells and smile back at life.

    1. Absolutely! You have made a very intelligent observation. But the only thing is this poem is not a real-life occurrence that happened in my life. IT is a figment of my imagination.

  11. I think grief is the truest of all emotions and its so personal that only the individual knows about it how he/she feels. You have truly written a heart wrenching poem about missing your partner. Keep the good work going.

    #MyFriendAlexa #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia

  12. That’s really a beautifully penned poem. Picking up sea shells is like picking up moments of small happiness with those tiny friends. This is how we try to find hope and solitude. Your poem tells once again of learning life lessons at most unexpected places and people. Lovely lines.

  13. Grief & pain can only be felt by an individual who has gone through the turmoil. The emotions are really well expressed and I love how the emotion changed from depression to hope. lovely poem. Coming back for sure for more!

    1. Hi Chinmayee, I am so happy you liked the poem. At the same time, I just need to tell you that this poem and the events in it are a figment of my imagination. My soulmate is perfectly safe and sound and in very good health. 🙂

  14. The simplest things in life are often the most… inspiring. As Dumbledore says in Harry Potter, “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light”.

    1. Thank you. I try to make it positive. No point in writing sad poems. We have enough sorrow in this world as it is. 🙂 isn’t it?

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