You are among the smallest of the fish family,
but you are also one of the most beautiful.
You come in many colour combinations,
but all of you have a golden tinge.
You have a great sense of vision.
You can see four different colours.
Not only can you recognize colours,
you also have a terrific sense of hearing.
You are valued greatly by humans,
as coveted pets for their homes.
People spend large amounts of money,
to buy you for their aquariums.
You are believed to have,
a calming effect on the mind.
People who keep you for a pet,
say you are soothing to their frayed nerves.
When busy men come back from the office,
after a tiring day of work,
they say speaking to you rejuvenates their minds,
even though you never reply to a word they say.
You are beauty personified.
You can also be a present,
to a man’s beloved,
as an expression of love.
The one thing that you don’t allow humans to do,
is to cook you and eat you.
You refuse to be a source of nourishment,
as eating you can be fatal.
You are one of the best of the fish family,
one of the most beautiful and likeable,
a true friend to a human,
who befriends you with open arms.
Hahaa. True. At least no one dares to eat a goldfish. 🙂
Yes, they are poisonous :). Thanks for visiting.
Beauty has to be small in size?
Of course large mountains are beautiful too. Yet your goldfish made me ask that.
Hi Tom, I definitely agree large mountains are beautiful too. And a ferocious beast like a Lion or a Tiger is also majestically beautiful. You are correct. Beauty is not restricted to size. What I meant was a Goldfish is beautiful not just because of size. But it is a petite thing and that smallness is one of the things that adds to its beauty.
I love your poem dedicated to a fish ;)) “A true friend to a human”, yes, for sure, he doesn’t make too much noise and stay quiet ;D Love these fiches by the way, very pretty!
F is for Free motion
Yes, Goldfish in particular are supposed to be very rejuvenating to the mind. Thanks for visiting.
An adorable companion to humans, lovely poem on a lovely fish 😊
Thanks for the appreciation Anagha.
I’m quite fond of goldfish and hope to get one soon for my son as a pet. Lovely and unique poem!
Thanks for visiting Noor. And I bet your son is going to love that.
Friendly goldfish to liven up our space 🙂
There’s something about these much-loved fishes! Golden colour & looks!
Yes Ania, they are supposed to induce a sense of calmness to the mind. Thhanks for visiting.
You make such keen observations. The gold fish is indeed a mood-lifter. Not sure how it feels trapped in the aquarium though.
Thanks for the appreciation. But as you say animals just like human beings like to be in their natural habitats. And I guess the Goldfish is no exception.
I’ve never had a pet fish but you are right that many people do find them soothing. Weekends In Maine
Yes, even I have never had a fish for a pet. But I know quite a few people who have and they say it is a very soothing experience.
Beautiful poem . I knew that goldfish is a good friend of humans but didn’t know that eating it can be fatal
Yes though there are some that can be eaten majority of them are poisonous. Thanks for visiting.