E is for the Eagle – Soaring high in the sky

Jai’s Jottings  > A2Z Challenge 2020, Poems >  E is for the Eagle – Soaring high in the sky


E is for the Eagle – Soaring high in the sky


You are the eagle and you are fast and furious.
You are one of the biggest of all birds,
with a beak that is among the sharpest,
which can tear the flesh of your prey to shreds.

I was once walking in my school grounds,
with my open lunch box held in my hands,
there were a lot of you,
flying high above in the sky.

I was busy chatting with my friends,
when suddenly in one fell swoop,
one of you dived down from the sky,
and stole a morsel from my lunch box.

My friends roared with laughter,
at the look on my face.
And for days they teased me,
telling me that I was the one who dated an eagle.

When I see you flying gracefully in the sky,
with your wings spread wide,
I wonder at how evolution could create,
a creature as magnificent as you.

They say you have one of the sharpest eyes,
ever to be found in animals.
You can see your prey clearly,
from the enormous height where you fly.

It is from the likes of you,
that we humans learned how to fly.
By understanding how you soar above the terra firma,
we created our flying machines.

Sometimes you cause untold misery to us humans,
when you collide with our flying machines,
killing hundreds and hundreds of people,
but how can we blame you for that?

You are a beast of prey.
A product of millions of years of evolution.
And I salute the creator,
who designed a creature as majestic as you.

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20 thoughts on “E is for the Eagle – Soaring high in the sky”

    1. Actually I have only a vague memory of it. I think it was a baby eagle but I do remember it did happen. I was in my sixth grade at that time.

  1. It was so beautiful . I am loving your poems . Reading your poetry I feel like trying to write a poem myself

    1. Do try. Poetry need not be full of glowing words of high vocabulary. For example, most of my poems use simple language. I find that easier.

  2. Majestic eagle! Truly admire the creator for this wonderful world.
    Had read a story in school where an eagle can see even a tiny ant from such a great height!

  3. Eagle no doubt are awe-inspiring. I loved the anecdote you shared about your childhood. Had it been anyone in your place, he/ she would definitely have got startled but the sudden visit by the eagle.

    1. I too got startled and definitely terrified. I was in sixth grade at that time and the incident is buried deep in the recesses of my mind.

  4. I remember the lunch box incidents in our school but I am glad it did not happen with me. I would have been so scared. Eagles are undoubtedly majestic and a great creation. Lovely post

    1. Thank you Arushi. I remember the incident only vaguely now. Yes, eagles are majestic and regal creatures.

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