Where art thou, my haven of peace?

Jai’s Jottings  > Poems >  Where art thou, my haven of peace?

Where art thou, my haven of peace?

There must be a place,
somewhere in this universe,
where I can be at peace with myself,
where the tempest in my mind will subside.

Where art thou, my haven of peace?

I have searched for this place
inside the deepest recesses of my soul,
for this place that will make the hurricane,
ravaging inside my head subside.

Where art thou, my haven of peace?

I go to the temple,
and stand in front of the deity,
looking into the eyes of the idol,
but my mind does not find any peace.

Where art thou, my haven of peace?

I think of this grand universe,
the macrocosm that surrounds us,
of which I am a microcosmic part.
Isn’t there any place that can give me peace?

Where art thou, my haven of peace?

People say if I reflect on my inner soul,
I will find this haven of peace,
I am not sure what they mean,
by the inner soul.

Where art thou, my haven of peace?

I look deep inside myself,
and I find only despair and despondency.
My soul is like a jelly,
that squeezes itself and melts in my hand.

Where art thou, my haven of peace?

Yet I know for sure,
that somewhere in this whole wide universe,
there is a place hidden in some corner of the macrocosm,
where I will find peace and calm.

One day I am sure I will find this haven of peace.

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