Will you please give me one more chance, my love?

Jai’s Jottings  > Poems >  Will you please give me one more chance, my love?

Will you please give me one more chance, my love?

You were like a lovely blooming Rose,
when I met you the first time.
The minute I set eyes on you,
my heart was all yours.

I proposed to you in a garden of flowers,
and to my delight, you accepted my love,
and agreed to be mine,
and we got bound together for a lifetime.

I loved you and cherished you,
for years and years,
but somewhere along the line,
my love for you began to wane.

I took you for granted,
thinking you would always be mine,
no matter what I did,
no matter how I strayed.

I went wayward.
I flirted with other women.
I was unfaithful to you.
And unrepentant about it.

I finally found someone else,
whom I believed I loved more than you.
I excised you out of my life,
like an unwanted scar on my toe.

Now oh, my love,
I am all alone again,
and ache to be in your arms,
and to be loved by you again.

Today I set forth to your house,
hoping against hope that you will forgive me,
and agree to be mine once again.
will you please give me one more chance my love?

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa

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8 thoughts on “Will you please give me one more chance, my love?”

  1. Beautifully penned. Sometimes its okay to appreciate someone is atleast realizing their mistakes. Most of the people don’t even realize their mistakes or ever acknowledge the fact what wrong have they done.

    1. Absolutely true Nazish. It is better to forgive and give someone a second chance when they are truly repentant though it takes a big heart to do so.

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