The Story of Sindhutai Sapkal – A Mother To Orphaned Children – #WATWB

Jai’s Jottings  > Non-Fiction >  The Story of Sindhutai Sapkal – A Mother To Orphaned Children – #WATWB

The Story of Sindhutai Sapkal – A Mother To Orphaned Children – #WATWB

The story of Sindhutai Sapkal is truly inspiring. She was married off when she was a mere ten years old and was abandoned at the age of twenty. She became a mother at twenty and had nowhere to go. The poor woman had to beg for a living. But other plans were ordained for her by God. She decided to adopt a child and slowly it became a movement and she gradually opened orphanages which now support over 1,200 children.

Sindhutai has become a God’s gift to so many orphaned children. Initially, she did not receive any government support for all this either. She is now an active social worker always on the lookout for orphaned children. Her decision to take up this movement was triggered by the difficulties she faced during her own childhood. When she was a child she went through several phases when she missed having someone to cuddle her and show love and warmth towards her. This was what made her understand the needs of economically deprived and orphaned children who did not have anywhere to go. She decided to actively take up the cause of homeless children.

Sindhutai was born on 14th, November 1948 in Wardha district of Maharashtra. Though her father was keen to educate her, her mother was not and she ended up getting married off when she was ten years old to a man who was twenty years older than her. She fought against the exploitation of local women by the forest department and rich landlords in her new home without losing hope. When she was twenty and 9 months pregnant her husband beat her badly and left her to die in the street.

Read the rest of Sindhutai Sapkal’s story and how she ended up becoming the mother of orphaned children at

Here is Sindhutai’s own website where you can read all about her.

This story is written for the We Are The World Blogfest – #WATWB

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10 thoughts on “The Story of Sindhutai Sapkal – A Mother To Orphaned Children – #WATWB”

  1. Sindhutai Sapkal’s story is extraordinary Jai thank you for sharing this for #WATWB. It’s wonderful that one such as she can have a sense or awareness of what she lost or didn’t have as a child, and was able to turn that loss into something that ensured that orphans don’t have to live without a mother’s love.

    1. Yes, Sindhutai’s story is a truly incredible one. She is a truly empathetic human being who converted her own deprivations into something that could benefit hundreds of children.

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