Title: A Break In Love
Author: Rrashima Swaarup Verma
Genre: Romance
Price: Rs 280
Publisher: Vishwakarma Publications
Literary Agency: The Book Bakers
Link for Purchase: A Break In Love
The difference between Karan’s conservative pin-striped suits and Lisa’s trendy designer fashion is as stark as the difference between their personalities, backgrounds and even their professions. To the casual observer, Lisa and Karan are a perfect example of ‘opposites attract’. The truth however, is a far cry from this seemingly perfect relationship. In a relentlessly fast-paced world where the stresses of surviving leave no room for much else, will this young couple have to accept the heart-breaking reality that all love stories aren’t forever after all? Or will an unexpected, brief separation give them a final chance to re-discover the lost magic?
My Take:
Normally I don’t read too many books in the romance genre, but off-late I have started taking an interest in them. In this book, the author has picked up a simple and straightforward love story and converted it into an extremely interesting read by the sheer weight of her writing style. Events move forward rapidly and there is never a dull moment in the book. In my opinion, the ability to keep the reader engrossed and buried in the pages is the hallmark of a good writer. The author has demonstrated this quality in ample measure. The book is set in the upper-class, urban Indian society but what is notable is that both the hero and heroine have values that are more inclined towards the middle class.
The book is racy and quick which is a quality that is more often found in books in the thriller and suspense genres. To write a racy romance that keeps the reader’s eyes glued to the pages without including too many mushy scenes is indeed an art. The book gives us a peep into the contemporary upper-class society of India. Their lifestyle has been brought out with great aplomb. The book is written in impeccable language, and a lot of care has been taken in editing it properly. This is another fact that works in favour of the book. The characterization is excellent, and it carries the book through any other pitfalls the story may have.
I have mentioned a lot of pros but let me now come to the few negative aspects of the story. I for one felt that a little more depth in the plot is in order. The fact is that the reader, after going through the entire book and completing the joyride, may just end up feeling that the plot is slightly shallow. But that is nit-picking. The author has shown us that whatever be the story, the art of writing also goes a long way towards making a book entertaining and enjoyable. This is something the author has managed to achieve in ample measure.
Coming to the characters in the book, I liked both Lisa and Karan, but the character of Karan’s mother and Lisa’s mother-in-law, Anju Chopra, really takes the cake. She is the typical loving mother to Karan and saucy, acid-tongued mother-in-law to Lisa. The author has got it bang on in characterizing an Indian mother and mother-in-law wrapped in one. Lisa’s friends come out as modern young women who fit very well into the contemporary upper-class society of modern India. The same can be said of Karan’s friends who are also quite modern and urban. I finished the book in a couple of days and really felt it was a good book. Perhaps a shade more depth in the plot? But then, as I mentioned before that might be nit-picking. The pros outweigh the cons substantially.
A big Yay! Pick this book if you like romance. It is definitely worth your money.
I am going with a 4.5/5 for Rrashima Swaaroop Verma’s ‘A Break In Love’. I have cut off 0.5 points for a slight lack of depth in the plot.
Rating Scale:
1 Poor
2 Fair
3 Good
4 Excellent
5 Outstanding