Begin The Year With A Recce Of Your Health – Register For #BlogchatterHealthWatch

Begin The Year With A Recce Of Your Health – Register For #BlogchatterHealthWatch
I suppose we all agree that in these modern times when life is so busy, it is extremely difficult to keep ourselves fit in body and mind. Many of us have sedentary jobs and are prey to obesity and other related ailments like diabetes and excess cholesterol. Many of us keep thinking of getting ourselves back in shape, sometimes throughout the year, but the day never arrives when we take that first step towards better health. 
We keep putting off the day when we finally take that all important first walk or that first trip to the gym. Sometimes we manage to wake up one fine morning full of enthusiasm and make our way to the gym and work out or go to the nearby park and walk for thirty to forty minutes. But within a few days, we lose our enthusiasm and give up the good work. It is the same story every time. We are either too busy with office or household chores or simply lose our motivation.
There is nothing more difficult than to beat the inertia and begin an exercise routine. Even more difficult is to keep up the routine without losing out to the problems involved. Regular exercise is extremely important and we all need to make sure that we exert ourselves at least to the bare minimum. Apart from exercise, there is also the diet question. If you are a diabetic like me the food you consume is of extreme importance. 
It is important to keep track of the latest health trends. Just a few days back we woke up to the first day of another new year. I have made several new year resolutions. And one of them is to get back into shape. But as before I need to maintain my enthusiasm for this fitness fetish that never seems to last longer than a week.
It is an accepted fact that human beings are able to accomplish some of the most fruitful goals by means of group activity. There is nothing like being a part of a community of people with common goals. And when it comes to health being a part of a community means more knowledge about health problems. You may even pick up health tips that will stand you in good stead for a lifetime.
This year in the month of January 2019 the Blogchatter community has organised one such activity called the #BlogchatterHealthWatch. It is a lightweight activity and there are several opportunities to meet like-minded people who are keen on health. You can exchange tips about health and the activity is very stress-free. So join #BlogchatterHealthWatch today and get going. Here is the link where you can register for the activity. 

1 thought on “Begin The Year With A Recce Of Your Health – Register For #BlogchatterHealthWatch”

  1. I've signed up for this as well, Jai. I agree with you when you say that fruitful goals can be accomplished by means of a group activity. Looking forward to getting healthier with my blogger friends this year!

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