Can You Tell Me Who She Is?

Jai’s Jottings  > Poems >  Can You Tell Me Who She Is?

Can You Tell Me Who She Is?
She caresses my cheeks gently,
As I walk along the streets,
Singing melodious ballads,
Of sweet love and passion.
Can you tell me who she is?
She croons in my ears,
Whispering gently,
As I hold my beloved in my arms,
In the beautiful rose gardens of the city.
Can you tell me who she is?
She whips spray on my face,
To my eternal delight,
In the monsoon season,
When it is time for the rains.
Can you tell me who she is?
She brought sweet melodies to the ears of Radha,
Like sweet nectar from flowers blooming in springtime,
When Lord Krishna played the flute,
Hidden in the picturesque gardens of Vrindavan.
Can you tell me who she is?
She naughtily whips dust into my eyes,
As I glance through the window,
Admiring the beautiful scenery,
From a train hurtling through the forest.
Can you tell me who she is?
She roars in my ears,
Like a mighty lion,
As I stand on the deck of a ship,
In heavy and boisterous seas.
Can you tell me who she is?
She can bring a flying machine down,
From high up in the sky,
Caught in the sheer force,
Of her immense power and ferocity.
Can you tell me who she is?
She can reduce proud cities to rubble,
In one stroke of her powerful breath,
Sending brick and mortar flying,
Men and women running helter-skelter.
Can you tell me who she is?
She can move mountains,
She can cause rivers and oceans
To flood vast lands in ominous fury,
Spreading death and destruction everywhere.
Can you tell me who she is?
She can be a ministering angel,
She can be a loyal friend,
She can be a formidable foe,
She can be an avenging lover.
She is the omnipresent and omnipotent wind.

Author’s Note: I am participating in the #SuperBloggerAcademy linky party by Healthwealthbridge Dr. Amrita and allaboutthewoman Dr. Bushra
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