Flash Fiction, Friday Fictioneers – The Grave Digger

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Flash Fiction, Friday Fictioneers – The Grave Digger
Mario dug feverishly. As far as he remembered this was where he had buried her fifteen years back. He had chosen the spot carefully. Water gathered around his knees. He had not expected to hit the water level so quickly. As he dug he began getting worried. 
He continued digging. It was dawn and he still could not find her. He had thought this would be a safe place to hide her. At least at that time when the judge had banged the gavel and declared him of unsound mind and ordered his Marian be raised in a foster home.

Author’s Note: Written for the weekly Friday Fictioneers challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. This week’s prompt is from Connie Gayer. Please find other entries here.

My debut novel a thriller titled ‘Eighty Hours To Save Karen’ is available for free download for a limited period of time here. Please do download and read. Your comments and feedback are welcome.

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