Flash Fiction, Friday Fictioneers – A Trail Of Rich Heiresses

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Flash Fiction, Friday Fictioneers – A Trail Of Rich Heiresses
Susan carefully stuffed the old man’s underwear into torn canvas boots. She placed the boots on the narrow platform adjacent to the wall. This was the red herring. She looked at Richard nearby who was gently pushing the man’s dead body over the wall. They had followed the same method in each crime. 

And each murder left behind a rich young widow. The headlines had screamed, ‘Serial killer murders old men leaving behind rich heiresses. Police baffled.’ There was only one difference in this case. This old man was Susan’s husband. Soon Susan and Richard would be very rich indeed.

Author’s Note: Written for the weekly Friday Fictioneers challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. This week’s prompt is from Courtney Wright. Please find other entries here.
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21 thoughts on “Flash Fiction, Friday Fictioneers – A Trail Of Rich Heiresses”

  1. Yes Rochelle. Actually Susan and Richard are just trying to create the illusion of a serial killer by killing a number of old men and leaving behind rich widows. That way they would not be suspected of killing Susan's husband as that too would be attributed to the serial killer. Stuffing the underwear in the boots is just a red herring to confuse the police. Actually, all they are interested in is in killing Susan's rich old husband so that Susan can inherit his money. Richard is her paramour and partner in crime.

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