Boy ! InstaCuppa Sure Can Make A Difference To My Life ! – #InstaCuppa

Jai’s Jottings  > Non-Fiction >  Boy ! InstaCuppa Sure Can Make A Difference To My Life ! – #InstaCuppa

Boy ! InstaCuppa Sure Can Make A Difference To My Life ! – #InstaCuppa

I am a lead software engineer in an Australian multinational. In addition to this lofty title I also have several adjectives which you may use to describe me. First and foremost among these is “diabetic.” The word that comes to the mind next is “obese.” I hate these adjectives which my doctor and my near and dear ones often use to describe me. If at all possible, I would definitely like to recapture the sprightly and lithe figure and the energy I had in my twenties.

When I was a young man I worked for nearly twelve to fourteen hours a day, consumed a lot of junk food and had oodles of coffee. This sedentary life style coupled with anxiety over work and family and several other issues led me to gain weight severely. In my forties I ended up with Diabetes. There is no history of diabetes in my entire family. 

Some of you might be wondering how come this guy is talking of diabetes and being over-weight in the same breath. It is well known that blood sugar tends to bring down weight. But I have other complications too like a mild thyroid problem which makes me put on weight. I take so many medicines that I can be called a walking pharmaceutical factory. 

So, before I began writing this article, I checked the InstaCuppa site with the intention of locating products that would be useful to me. As I said before I am a walking pharmaceutical factory and my doctor has told me to drink plenty of water to remove the harmful toxins I ingest along with my medicines. I carry a flask of warm water every day to office; but I ask you, how much water can one keep drinking? It is tiresome.

The first product at the Instacuppa site which attracted my attention had this title. 

InstaCuppa Double Walled Glass Green Tea / Detox Infuser Bottle

It immediately struck me; here is a product right up my lane. Why not consume water that is flavored by the brilliant flavors of vegetables and fruits I like instead of drinking plain water from a flask that tastes exactly the same every time I drink it? This idea had never struck me before. Variety keeps the tongue and mind satisfied. And I also love green tea which can be made using this product. I read further keenly and looked at some of the reviews. The very first review spoke of a free recipe book. And how the product was a must buy for people who are conscious of their health. I read further with a eye on the technical details. 

I was informed that the Infuser is 2 in 1 allowing me a choice of tea leaves or bags and vegetables and fruits. Being a Metallurgical engineer (though I am now working in computer software) the fact that the infuser is made of 304 grade stainless steel was of particular interest to me. This is very high grade steel. Steel as we all no is very highly corrosion resistant and unbreakable. Simply remarkable !

Then comes the ability to retain the temperature of both hot and cold brews. This is done using a double walled borosillicate glass for the bottle. It is important to drink everything fresh. And what is it that determines freshness? Decidedly the temperature. In addition there is also a thermos sleeve that prevents bottle sweat. Some of you might be wondering what is bottle sweat. When any glass surface that is cool comes into contact with air at room temperature the water molecules in the air condense on the outer surface of the bottle and flow down the walls. This is called bottle sweat.

In addition to all these, they also provide you an ebook giving you a 100 recipes for infusing water with fruit and vegetable flavors. Boy! I sure could use this item. I am dog tired of monotonously drinking plain water out of a flask day in and day out. Just think; I could prepare some kind of a menu each week and have a gala time sipping something different each day. Something healthy and tasty every time I feel like drinking in office instead of forcing myself to drink plain water out of a flask. It would also help me stick to my diet ! And all this for a small price of Rs 1499. Fabulous ! I am sure going to order this product.

I looked around further and went through the lists of products. Suddenly my eye was caught by a label. Here it is.

InstaCuppa Premium Milk Frother Handheld

Suddenly I felt guilty. I have been looking around this wonderful site solely with the intention of doing myself some good. The milk frother seems to be a product that is going to do my entire family some good. Wonderful Milk Shakes and Hot Chocolates for my little one. And easy ways to help in making Capuccinos and Lattes for my wife who drinks nothing but coffee and fruit juice. 

I will not go too deeply into the technical details. But I find my wife struggling too much in the kitchen. This product is just right for her. This will at least reduce the amount of sweating she does in the kitchen. The order also includes a stainless steel stand ! It includes a one year warranty and costs just Rs. 999. This is another product I am going to make a beeline for. 

I went through the site and found a gold mine of useful products for someone who is health conscious or someone like me who has realized that health is wealth at a very late age. All products seem to be of very high quality and extremely useful for people of all ages. Please do visit the site and take a look around. I am sure you will find some very useful items there. Here are some links to help you along the way.

InstaCuppa Green Tea Detox Bottle – Double Walled Glass Edition – Click Here

Author’s Note: This article has been written as a part of SuperBloggerChallenge2018 conducted by and should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. SuperBloggerChallenge2018 is not responsible for any kind of infringement caused. 
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33 thoughts on “Boy ! InstaCuppa Sure Can Make A Difference To My Life ! – #InstaCuppa”

  1. A very detailed post & happy to know that you can now enjoy flavored water on a daily basis. Stay healthy! 🙂

  2. Hi Jai! It's too bad our body gets out of order sometimes. But hats off to the attitude with which you are tickling it. I am sure infused water will make drinking more like a thing which you would love to look forward to.

  3. Good to know that the product is made out of high grade corrosion resistant steel from a metallurgical engineer.

    I have my eyes on the double walled infuser as well.


  4. Hi Jai! I really liked this personal post…Here´s wishing you a healthier and happier 2018 courtesy Instacuppa products. They surely seem worth the buy going by the looks and customer reviews. I also liked the metallurgical perspective on this product review. Please read my Week 4 post for #Superbloggerchallenge2018 here:

  5. very well written post and you had covered all points so wonderfully. agreed these products are really awesome and had so many great health benefits. thanks for sharing! #superbloggerchallenge2018

  6. Whoa! Walking pharmaceutical factory. You don't need just infused water, you need much more than that. BTW, loving your white background. Take care!


  7. Hi Jai, first of all, it's really great to know that you are in software. I am also one software professional. That's why I could related to the lifestyle that we software people live being in our offices and one that you also mentioned in the post. Junk food, coffee, tea and those ready made snacks, all this give us momentarily satisfaction. But they also give us health problem. InstaCuppa is really a great name and I love their infusion bottle. We can easily carry that to our offices and can try to balance our life and health. #SuperBloggerChallenge2018 #Instacuppa. Please read my week 4 blog here

  8. I didn't realize how much this 2 in 1 infuser can help someone who is working long hours while fighting lifestyle health ailments.

  9. The 2 in 1 infuser helps us with a choice of flavoured drinks and reduces the monotony of drinking plain water. Great products from Instacuppa.

  10. Agree 100%. We live a hectic lifestyle. Which is why after I entered my 40's I stepped out of the rat race and moved over to a much easier job. InstaCuppa has great products. I will read your post in a minute.

  11. I changed the background to White after your suggestion. Being a doctor I guess you have a keener appreciation of my health. Thanks for the comment.

  12. Yes. I got several jobs in the campus interviews as a Metallurgical engineer. But as destiny would have it I am now working full time in software. And the description of the grade of the Steel used caught my eye. Thanks for visiting.

  13. There are many things we want to do like drink more water, get good sleep, have an athletic body, etc. Some of these need personal care and attention but for others there are these wonderful products from Instacuppa. Likes your post, Jai. Practically handled.

  14. Yes Varsh, after mid-forties I have been having numerous health issues. Taking a step in the right direction now. Better late than never. 🙂

  15. Hi Jai, My wife is also diabetic and is on no medication. Her blood glucose numbers were as high as 400 a few years ago, she started to research natural remedies and found a lot of useful info, what seems to help her a lot in lowering her blood glucose numbers is being on a "ketogenic diet". Are you familiar with the ketogenic diet? From

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