Theme Reveal For A2Z Challenge 2023

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Theme Reveal for A2Z Challenge 2023

AtoZChallenge theme reveal 2023 #atozchallenge

Hi Everyone,

This is going to be a very short theme reveal. I am Sitharaam Jayakumar, and my friends call me Jai. I passed out as a Metallurgical engineer in the year 1988 and took up a career in Information Technology in 1991. I took to writing seriously only in the year 2017. I have participated in the Blogchatter A2Z campaign thrice till now. These were in the years 2018, 2019 and 2020.  I missed out in the years 2021 and 2022. So that makes this my fourth A2Z challenge.

For this year’s A2Z I have decided to write a story in the HORROR genre. It will have 26 chapters corresponding to a post per day. The posts will be related to the 26 letters of the alphabet taken in order. I am not going to give away anything about the story or what it entails as doing that always spoils the suspense and mystery. So, let us all have plenty of fun. Happy writing and happy reading as that is extremely important.



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14 thoughts on “Theme Reveal For A2Z Challenge 2023”

    1. Thank you so much. It is not several stories. This is one long story. It is long fiction. Hope you enjoy it.

  1. Good luck with this. I’m afraid I can’t cope with serial stories through through the a 2 z as my head won’t cope with them. I sometimes read the lot once the month is done, though!


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