My Morning Jog

Jai’s Jottings  > Poems >  My Morning Jog

My Morning Jog

It is a bright and brisk morn,
The sun shining on the horizon, glowing afresh,
Delightfully warm on my skin,
As I jogged steadily along the sandy shore.


Not so warm for some, in body or spirit,
As I was to find out soon.
My eyes fell on a tiny, bedraggled creature,
Who came running up to me.


She kept pace with me and begged for alms,
Her smile more dazzling than the sun,
But I shooed her away with vehemence.
How dare she interrupt my morning jog?


She ran away and I ploughed on, my powerful legs digging into the sand,
Finally, I flopped down,
At the end of my tether,
In the shade of a tent to recuperate.


My eyes closed, and an image rose in front,
It was the face of the child,
Who had interrupted my jog,
With wide and innocent eyes.


All she had wanted was a morsel to eat.
And I had remorselessly chased her away.
I stood up and retraced my path,
Hoping to find the tiny tot who had laid siege to my heart.


If only I could find her and feed her,
My conscience would be clear,
But alas, among the myriad footprints on the beach,
I could not locate her tiny ones.


Just a loaf of bread and a slab of butter,
Would have made her heart glad and rendered her stomach full,
But the miserable human that I was,
I could only think of my run.


That night I prayed to the almighty,
May she find happiness wherever she is,
And in the myriad turns and twists of life.
May someday our paths meet.

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