Krithika’s Revenge

Jai’s Jottings  > Fiction, Horror, Short Stories >  Krithika’s Revenge

Krithika’s Revenge

The streets of Yamuna Nagar were enveloped in palpable darkness. The crescent-shaped moon occasionally peeped out of the horizon through the dark clouds as though it was doing its best to pep things up for the residents of the colony. The croaking of the frogs could be heard as they jumped hither and thither. The stars were completely invisible. It was raining heavily in the posh locality that night. Krithika moved through the streets noiselessly. She wondered if she ought to proceed further. She passed the wicket gate of Dhiren’s villa and reached the front door. She and Dhiren had lived there ever since they had married. Their bedroom was upstairs. She ascended the stairs and reached the bedroom.


She peeped through the door which was slightly ajar. Everything was as it had always been. It was the same room that she had decorated so tastefully and with so much care. The paintings that hung from the walls were ones she had painted herself. There were also the beautiful sculptures Dhiren had sculpted with his own hands. She had posed for those. She remembered standing still patiently for hours while Dhiren carved them out of marble blocks. Now and then they would take a rest during the sittings and sometimes during these pauses, they would make love with a lot of passion.


Dhiren had always insisted on keeping her paintings and his sculptures in their bedroom. He always said, ‘The only things we truly possess are each other and our art. We should safeguard them with our lives.’ The hands of the wall clock in the bedroom showed that it was thirty minutes to midnight. But all these familiar objects did not hold Krithika’s attention. Her gaze was riveted on the huge bed where she and Dhiren had spent so many happy and pleasurable moments.


But that night another woman was lying on the bed with Dhiren. She could recognize the woman as Geeta, one of Dhiren’s college mates from art school.


Dhiren laughed loudly and said, ‘Darling, it has been worth all the risk we have taken to get rid of my wife. Now we can be together forever.’


‘Are you sure no one suspected anything?’ Geeta asked.


‘Absolutely! I have been administering Strychnine to her slowly over a long period. It is a slow-acting poison, and I am sure nobody has the slightest idea that she was killed.’


‘Well let us keep it that way.’ Geeta said pushing him away. ‘It is time I left. If someone catches us together so soon after her death it is the hangman’s noose for both of us.’


With that, she got out of the bed and began dressing herself.


‘Do you have to go so quickly?’ Dhiren asked and pulled her into his arms.


Soon they walked over to the window and chatted for some time making grandiose plans for their future. Finally, they turned around. The bedroom door was swinging on its hinges.


‘That is funny, the door usually creaks when it opens. Did you hear any sound?’ Dhiren asked.


‘No, I didn’t hear anything.’ Geeta said looking frightened.


At that moment the electricity went off and the entire house was shrouded in darkness. Dhiren cursed and said, ‘I will switch on the torch in my mobile. I think I left it on the bed.’


He moved towards the bed.


As soon as he reached the bed, he heard a loud piercing scream coming from the direction of the window where Geeta had been standing. It was her voice. He turned and strode towards the window. Suddenly a flash of lightning lit up the entire room. He could see Geeta lying still on the floor in a pool of bright red.


The terrified Dhiren was just about to bend down by Geeta’s body when there was another flash of lightning. He turned around instinctively. Before he could blink an eyelid, a pair of razor-sharp claws from two ghostly hands dug deep into his neck going straight for his jugular. He fell to the floor bleeding profusely. Just before life ebbed out of him completely, he could see Krithika’s ghostly apparition towering above him. It had no feet…

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