So Long As I Persevere…

Jai’s Jottings  > Blogging, Poems >  So Long As I Persevere…

So Long As I Persevere…

I rested, exhausted and panting,
On a narrow path of wet sand,
I have traversed this sandy stretch,
For hours on end.
To my right, a vertical rock face,
Akin to the devil.
To my left, the roiling deep sea,
Churning out frothing waves.
I know not how much further I have to go,
To reach my destination,
I know not how much further I have to go,
To reach the end of my troubles in life.
I get up to plod on once more,
To reach the finale of my journey,
I soldier on once more,
To solve the problems of my life.
I shall surely overcome some day,
So long as I persevere.

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