You are the king of the jungle,
lord of all the animals who dwell there.
The gazelle, the deer and the timid rabbit,
tremble when you approach, hunting for a meal.
You strike fear in the hearts of all and sundry.
And when you roar in anger,
the walls of mighty mountains,
quake and tremble with fear.
When you are a small cub,
you look cute and harmless,
but it is when you grow into a mighty adult,
that you make everyone shake in terror.
You are part of many a folklore,
you are the animal on which,
Hindu Goddesses like Santoshi mata,
ride in all their majestic glory.
Some of you become man-eaters,
once you taste human blood,
and then you have to be hunted down,
by courageous hunters risking their lives.
Over times immemorial,
hunting you down,
has been a sport indulged in,
by men with nerves of steel.
Kings of mighty kingdoms,
hunt you down remorselessly,
to exhibit your skin,
as symbols of their courage and valour.
You are a mighty cat,
but you are a social animal,
you maintain a family,
they call a pride.
The males among you,
are recognised by your beautiful manes,
that adds to your majesty,
and your ferocious beauty.
In your pride of lions,
there are two or three males,
with several females,
and a lot of cubs.
The males among you,
have no interest in the cubs,
as usual, it is the lioness, the mother,
who takes care of the cubs.
You are the lord of the jungle,
I bow in obeisance to you,
No one dares to cross your path.
No one dares to challenge you.
The majestic lion!
Thanks for visiting Tom.
Your ode to various animals in this series continues to be interesting. It is also making us more aware and respecful towards animals.
Thanks for the appreciation. Keep visiting.
A stately poem for a majestic animal! Lovely!
Thanks for the appreciation Noor.
A lovely poem. I like how you are talking about different animals in your posts. Something unique.
Thank you Madhu. Glad you are enjoying my poems.
A lovely tribute to the royal beasts. They are so wonderful!
Royal beasts is right. Majestic and ferociously beautiful.
Ahh, how lovely. I was reading the poem and it seemed like I am reading a jungle book story I’m my childhood. Beautifully penned.
Thanks for the appreciation Swarnali. I am happy that my poems remind you of a childhood story book.
An awesome ode to the majestic animal. My all time favorite animal in the jungle is the tiger and the lion. They have an aura like no other animal. Will your post from T will be on tiger?
Well, I have not yet thought about what animal to try out for T. I agree the Lion has an aura like no other animal. So majestic and beautiful in a ferocious sort of way.
He is the majestic Lion King! Or, Lion Lord i.e. Lord Lion!
Remembered some lion stories.
Yes, Lion king was a great movie. I watched it with my daughter in the theater.
The lion is my favorite. Animal. Love your topic this year of BLOGCHATTERA2Z 2020.
Thank you, Anahita for visiting.
The Lion does look like a King. This is a beautiful poem describing all facets of the beautiful beast.
Thanks for the appreciation Sinjana.
Beautiful poem about a great and mighty animal. I love to see lions. They are the King of the Cats.
Yes, the feline beautiful and ferocious beasts. I love to see them from far away of course.