FFfAW Challenge – The Meeting of Hearts
Tommy and Irena sat together on the bench watching the beautiful fountain in the middle of the circular pond. They were both eating peanuts from the bag held by the elder of the two, Tommy.
‘Why are you called Tommy but I am called Irena?’ asked Irena lazily.
‘Because you look like mommy and I look like Daddy,’ replied Tommy.
‘How is that?’ asked Irena again.
‘That is what mommy told me when I asked her,’ replied Tommy
Hearing this a little distance away, former KGB spy, Irena Kuznetsova grinned wryly at her husband former CIA agent Thomas Richardson.
Photo Prompt: Wildverbs
Check the other stories for this prompt here.
Photo Prompt: Wildverbs
Check the other stories for this prompt here.
interesting story telling
Haha! Their mommy and daddy are former spies! Great story!